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[ns] Re: Nam-Dump to gif works!
With the versions of the utilities currently available
I could finally get to create the movie.gif file with
the following script:
for i in *.xwd; do
xwdtopnm <$i > foo.ppm
#ppmtogif -interlace -transparent #e5e5e5 foo.ppm >
`basename $i`.gif;
ppmtogif -interlace foo.ppm > `basename $i .xwd`.gif;
gifmerge -l0 -2 -229,229,229 nam*.gif >movie.gif
Not sure if it needs to be reflected in the manual as
--- John Heidemann <[email protected]> wrote:
> >I managed to have the utilities installed.xwdppm is
> >now renamed as xwdpnm in the distribution.I am
> using
> >this program to create a ppm file. But ppmtogif is
> >giving error. I am using the script just as given
> in
> >manual
> >
> >for i in *.xwd; do
> >xwdtopnm <$i |
> >ppmtogif -interlace -transparent\222#e5e5e5\222
> >>\221basename $i .xwd\221.gif;
> >done
> >gifmerge -l0 -2 -229,229,229 *.gif >movie.gif
> >
> >And following is what it shows
> >
> >xwdtopnm: writing PPM file
> >usage: ppmtogif [-interlace] [-sort] [-map
> mapfile]
> >[-transparent color] [ppmfile]
> >
> >
> >All I can think of is either ppm is not getting
> >created properly or there is a version mismatch of
> >ppmtogif with what is given in the script. What
> else
> >might be the problem?
> Most Unix programs show a usage line if you invoke
> them improperly, as
> ppmtogif is doing here. I suggest you read the
> ppmtogif man page and
> try it on its own (outside the script), possibly
> with fewer arguments,
> until you can get it to work there. Then try
> putting it in the
> script.
> (It looks like what you're doing is basically right,
> but you're making
> some kind of typo in running ppmtogif.)
> -John Heidemann
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