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Re: [ns] doubt!
Basically you open a file for output (using the basic tcl functionality),
and on interesting events, write
data into it. When ns ends, you call xgraph with the filename as an
argument. xgraph is similar to gnuplot.
For an example, consult Mark Greis' tutorial. You can find the link on
the NS home page and as well as in the first chapter of the NS manual.
On 2 Dec 2000, Priya Gurumurthy wrote:
:I will be glad if you can help me out clarifying my doubt. Im running the dsdv protocol with a few changes and want to produce the output results in the form of a graph. I would like to plot some parameters from the trace file on to a graph . I checked up the ns2 and realised that there was what they called xgraph for plotting graphs!I am not able understand how exactly the trace files are uploaded on to the graphs for plotting
:Thanking you,
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