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Re: [ns] can a single agent send to multiple groups...
see tcl/ex/mcast.tcl
On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Marinho Barcellos wrote:
> ...and if so, how?
> explaining:
> how can ns mimic a situation where an agent sends to
> to multiple unicast and multicast destinations (groups)
> if an assignment between sender and receiver is
> established within the script with Otcl?
> a. multiple agents in a single node (if so, how to make them
> share data?)
> b. any way to specify different targets when calling send (how to
> obtain the NSObject* respective to the desired destination
> group?)
> thanks in advance.
> cheers
> Marinho.
> ps: there have been previous unanswered questions like that in the
> archives. any progress since?
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Prof. Marinho Barcellos [email protected]
> Another GNU/Linux User http://www.inf.unisinos.br/~marinho/
> Centro 6/6 - UNISINOS (Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos)
> Av. Unisinos, 950 Fone: (051) 590-3333 ext.1629
> Sao Leopoldo, RS, Brasil CEP 93022-000
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=