I am trying to install the ns
simulator in this page:
http://www.monarch.cs.cmu.edu/cmu-ns.html I have downloaded and unpacked the file in the following directory: ------------------------------------------------------ ghee@zambezi(107)% ls README ad-hockey/ cmu-docs/ install* ns-2/ otcl/ tclbox/ tkbox/ TclCL/ bin/ gt-itm/ nam-1/ ns-src/ tcl8.0/ tk8.0/ xgraph/ ------------------------------------------------------ But when I tried to install the simulator, I got the fialed message: -------------------------------------------------------- ghee@zambezi% ./install : lib -L../tkbox/lib -ltk8.0 -R../tclbox/lib -L../tclbox/lib -ltcl8.0 -R/usr/o penwin/lib -L/usr/openwin/lib -lXext -lX11 -lsocket -lnsl -ldl -ldl -lm -ldl ld: Warning: File ../TclCL/libtclcl.a : is ignored : cannot allocate archive simbol table ld: Fatal Error: Library -ltclcl: cannot find ld: Warning: File../otcl/libotcl.a : is ignored : cannot allocate archive simbol table ld: Fatal Error: Library -lotcl: cannot find ld: Warning: File../tkbox/lib/libtk8.0.a : is ignored : cannot allocate archive simbol table ld: Warning: File../tclbox/lib/libtcl8.0.a : is ignored : cannot allocate archive simbol table ld: Fatal error: File processing errors. No output written to ns make: *** [ns] Error 1 Ns make failed! Exiting ... ghee@zambezi% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The installation stopped at this error
message: If you have any idea please kindly indicate me. Thank you very much. Regards Ghee ------------------------------------------------------------------- |