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Re: [ns] wireless problems
did you add a new packet type in the script? I didn't
encounter any problem when I ran the original code.
Kun-chan Lan
4915 Sawtelle Blvd #2, Culver city, CA 90230
> Hi I'm salvo ,
> I'm a student of the university of Catania and
> I must to make an exame using the NS, but I'm a
> novice
> user of NS. I have got any problem whith the
> example:
> simple_wireless.tcl
> that I have found in the Marc Greis tutorial,
> after running Ns ( version ns 2.1b7 )
> appear the error message :
> (null) - invalid packet type ((null)).
> I hope that you can help me thanks for your
> interesting bye Salvo.
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