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Re: [ns] Timer resolution
ns uses virtual time, its resolution is limited only the the resolution of
double floating point. BUT, when using calendar scheduler, due to its
bucket size constraint, the maximum time span of events scheudled might
affect timer granularity. That is, if you ahve two events that're (for
instance) 1 million seconds apart, then the scheduler will get into
trouble if you schedule another two events that are 1 picosecond apart.
- Haobo
On Fri, 2 Feb 2001, Mark Janssen wrote:
> I have a question regarding the timer resolution in NS. Am I correct in
> assuming that the smallest resolution is 1 microsecond?
> And is it possible to increase this resolution. I wuld loike to simulate on
> a nanosecond basis.
> (Maybe similar to Ssf's Net-frequency)
> If you could point me to the part of the source where the timing is handled
> I would be very thankful.
> Regards,
> Mark Janssen
> ------------
> Mark Janssen
> Institute of Computational Physics
> Room MG307
> Telephone 030-2537724