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[ns] Classifier problems

Hello all,

I am trying to build a multicast control classifier as well as a
custom replicator for my code. However, when I am trying to do so,
I am getting errors which are beyond the scope of my knowledge.

To start, I am trying to get the outgoing link for the node to
another node:

  set IFace   [$node from-node-iface [$new_core($group) id]]
  set OutLink [$node iif2link $IFace]

  $mctrl_ Join-Group [$new_core($group) id] $group $IFace $OutLink

The interface comes across fine (a number) but I cannot do a
successful lookup from my C++ code to get the link object similar
to what the replicator does.

  NsObject * pLink;

  pLink = (NsObject *) TclObject::lookup(argv[5]);

I do a printf a bit earlier and check the string value of
argv[5] to be _o1267 which appears at first glance to be
a valid tcl object. However, when I run my code, pLink always
becomes 0x00 after the call to Tcl::lookup. Can anyone offer
any assistance on how I can get the link object out of tcl?
I need to do this in order to reproduce the packet in a similar
fashion to the replicator. Thanks in advance.


ns 2.1b7
Visual C++ 6.0 on Windows