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Re: [ns] Error in tcl files

You should look for lines in the dump where tcl says it failed to
interpret the given lines. Usually they are the last lines of the output
but somehow it's not your case. 

the reason rtProtoLS.tcl is the last to be dumped is because it's the last
script sourced and embedded into ns.

- Haobo

On Fri, 9 Feb 2001, S.M.Tripathi wrote:

> Hello,
> 	I have added a routing protocol in the system. It compiles
> successfully and ns too is created succesfully. if I run the ns alone it
> runs, but whenever I run with some tcl script it displays all the content
> of the ns-lib.tcl and its sourced files and does nothing.
> 	Same thing if I do in the name of another protocol, it runs
> succesfully. Perhpas problem is in some tcl and generated ns_tcl.cc and
> ptypes etc. But I am not be able figure it out. Out is too huge to be
> included. Only last a fe lines I have pasted..
> 	Can someone help where I could be wrong?? Thanks in advance.
> 	I don't know how the any application file is interpreted( I mean
> the order). From the output it seems that is calls ns-lib.tcl and in file,
> recursively sources many tcl files included in it. After it takes
> ../rtglib/ns-rtProtoLS.tcl. Last lines of the error is from this
> file. Can somebody explain me the order of execution??
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Code at the Stdout(Last lines only)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
> Agent/rtProto/LS instproc get-delay-estimates {} {
> $self instvar ifs_ ifstat_ 
> set total_delays ""
> set packet_size 8000.0 ;# bits
> foreach nbr [array names ifs_] {
> set intf $ifs_($nbr)
> set q_limit [ [$intf queue ] set limit_]
> set bw [bw_parse [ [$intf link ] set bandwidth_ ] ]
> set p_delay [time_parse [ [$intf link ] set delay_] ]
> set total_delay [expr $q_limit * $packet_size / $bw + $p_delay]
> $self cmd setDelay [$nbr id] $total_delay
> }
> }