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Re: [ns] multicast routing
you could use ns-2 for your purpose. It can be installed on Linux
platform too. And about "how" to do your simulations, the basics can be
learnt from the "NS notes and Documentation"... and there are tons of
example tcl scripts that come with the ns source, which tell you how
things are ought to be done.
To incorporate a new "cost function" (or for that matter, if you want
to do anything totally new), I guess you would have to tweak the C++ code.
(p.s: for a starter, you could look at the example tcl scripts about
On 13 Feb 2001, priya senthil wrote:
* >I am a final year student working on multicast routing.
* >could u suggest me a good network simulator which works well on linux.
* >and help me with ideas of how to proceed with it.
* >i want to know how to feed a topology to the network
* >we planned to do a simple simulation work.
* >I want to know how to build the routing table for this topology fed as
* >input.i
* >also want to incorporate a new cost function to calculate the path
* >kindly help
* >
* >
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