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[ns] How to get router id?


Can any one help me out?
I am doing itrace module in NS2 (I install ns-allinone-2.1b7a.) The
problem is that 

   packet --> router1 ---> router2 --->...

When IP packet go through these routers, the routers is able to generate
itrace packets. However, in the itrace, I need to know the router id (for
example, router IP addr). How can I get the router id (router IP address)?
In the ping.cc, I found that someone use name() to get router id in string
fomat. But I can  not put

	hdrip->src_ = name();

Is there any way I can do to get the router id, such that
hdrip->src_=routerid ?

BTW. If I set agent on one node and sent out IP packets, where and when
the ip_hdr has been set (which file(s)?)



Chien-Lung Wu						[email protected]
Graduate Student of ECE 				(O) 919-513-1894
at North Carolina State University			(H) 919-233-6724