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Re: [ns] Reference

>    HI,
>I have a non technical question:
>Does anyone know what is the proper reference to the ns2 simulator for
>submission of a paper?

There are two answers to that question.
If you want to cite the software itself, you can cite:

S. McCanne and S. Floyd. ns Network 
Simulator. http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/.

and/or the manual:

Kevin Fall, Kannan Varadhan, and the VINT project.
  The ns manual.

If you want something published in a refereed location, 

Lee Breslau, Deborah Estrin, Kevin Fall, Sally Floyd, John Heidemann, Ahmed Helmy, Polly Huang, Steven McCanne, Kannan Varadhan, Ya Xu, and Haobo Yu.
  Advances in Network Simulation.
  _IEEE Computer_, V. 33  (N. 5 ), pp. 59-67, May, 2000.
  Expanded version available as USC TR 99-702b
                         at \urlhttp://www.isi.edu/ johnh/PAPERS/Bajaj99a.html.

is a good choice.

   -John Heidemann