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[ns] Realistic IPv4 forwarding in a Node?
Hi All,
I've tried a couple of questions and haven't gotten any responses.
I'm guessing that that's due to the fact that they might have beeen
too narrow.
Here's a question I hope isn't: Is there a "realistic" IPv4
Node or a way to use them so that they are. By realistic I mean are
capable of doing variable subnet length matching (including most
route matching)?
For example:
If a router contained routes: -> next hop addr A -> hext hop addr B -> next hop addr C
Since ns-2 uses 32 bits for addresses the v4 addresses shouldn't be
a problem. Hierarchical routing though seems to use a fixed bit
at each node so the above variable length matches wouldn't work there.
Any help greatly appreciated!
| Rob Ballantyne |
| email: [email protected] | _____
| Research Manager | |
| Centre for Experimental and | -----------O-----------
| Contructive Mathematics |
| Simon Fraser University |
| Burnaby, BC, CANADA V5A 1S6 |