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[ns] Passing objects to interpreter

   I am trying out alternate routing strategies in ns. I want to a link
down if the no if packets sent over that link crosses a certain threshold.
So, I changed the datastructure in the classifier and had the following
code in classifier.cc. 

NsObject* Classifier::find(Packet* p)
	NsObject* node = NULL;
	int cl = classify(p);

	if (cl < 0 || cl >= nslot_ || (node = slot_[cl].next_hop) == 0) { 
		if (default_target_) return default_target_;
		......... removed some code ........

        if (slot_[cl].no_pkts == THRESHOLD) {

	--->	char cmd[] = "$node down";
	--->	Tcl &tcl = Tcl::instance();

	--->	tcl.evalf("%s down", node->name());
	return (node);

However I am unable to pass the link object to the interpreter (from
C++) so that the instproc "down" is invoked on that link. How I can do
that ? I didn't completely get this interface between the compiled and the
interpreted hierarchy. Can someone help me out ?

Prasad Boddupalli.