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Re: [ns] TCP simulation

Each TCP source needs its own sink.

Create and attach two separate sinks at n3.


On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, gokul ramasubramanian wrote:

> I am trying to run this simple script.  the topology is something like
> this
>   n0
>     \
>      \
>      n2----n3
>     /
>    /
>  n1
> I've created 2 TCP agents and attached them to nodes n0 and n1., 
> connected them to a TCP sink at node n3.
> Also created a CBR traffic source and attached it to the TCP agents 
> at n0 and n1., uses packet size of 500 bytes, interval of .004 sec.
> But when i run the simulation, only packets transmitted are from
>  node n1 to n2 to n3  and there are no packets generated at n0..   
> Can anyone explain this strange behavior?
> I tried playing around with TCP/Reno, Tahoe and FullTcp  but i dont get
> any packets from source n0???
> Thanx for your time,
> Gokul
> ***************************
> Graduate Student,
> Dept. of CIS,
> Ohio State University,
> Columbus, OH.
> Office - 474, Dreese Labs
> Phone 614-292-8578
> ***************************

<[email protected]>PGP<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>