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Re: [ns] diffserv question?
I think this is because the second paramenter has different types:
const char*const* argv
You modification:
const char* const argv
Hope it helps,
-chen xuan
On Sat, 31 Mar 2001, [gb2312] ���滪 wrote:
> Problem:
> I modify the
> "void PolicyClassifier::addPolicyEntry(int argc,const char* const argv)" funcion in "diffserv "module .
> ( "addPolicyEntry" is called by "command "function )
> In an condition,"argc" should be equal to 12 ,but now it is equal to 9 by printing the value of "agrc"
> The other three parameters is lost.
> Why? Is there a maximum value of "argc" ?
> Help!!!
Xuan Chen