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[ns] what exactly does the integrator do?


I am trying to understand what exactly do the integrator class objects do?
Well sec. 21.3 of ns manual says it supports the approximation
of continuous integration by discrete sums. Can some body comment how is
this achieved by the newPoint method, which does

void Integrator::newPoint(double x, double y) {
    sum_ += (x - lastx_) * lasty_;

where (x - lastx_) => time diff between the last and current point and
lasty_ is the cumulative sum of sizes all the packets in the queue.

what does this sum represent and what does it mean as a performance statistic?
(its unit seem to be bytes-seconds ??)



****************** Sudhindra Suresh Bengeri ********************
Graduate Research Assistant   | Home:                          |
to Dr. George N. Rouskas      | 2110, Gorman St.,              |
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* Always glad to share my ignorance - I've got plenty. *