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Re: [ns] Problem between TCL and C++
On Fri, 13 Apr 2001, Julien.Cartigny wrote:
> Hello,
> I have some trouble to use correctly ns-2.
> I am writing a ad hoc algorithm. I have writed the command function with a
> parameter called "david-start":
> --------------------------------------------------
> if (argc == 2) {
> if (strcmp (argv[1], "david-start") == 0) {
> startup();
> return (TCL_OK);
> }
> --------------------------------------------------
> But, when i use my program: i have the following result:
> ---------------------------------------------------
> ns: _o14 david-start:
> (_o14 cmd line 1)
> invoked from within
> "_o14 cmd david-start"
> invoked from within
> "catch "$self cmd $args" ret"
> (procedure "_o14" line 2)
> (SplitObject unknown line 2)
> invoked from within
> "_o14 david-start"
> -----------------------------------------------------
> So, when i use some classical parameters like tracetraget i have no
> problem: the programm use the command version in my C++ code. But when i
> use some other parameters like:
> $ns at 0.1 "$node_(0) david-start"
You'd have to add "david-start" to the command function of the Node class
in this case and in general to the particular object class that is
calling david-start.
> My C++ can take this call in command function because TCL refuses to
> transmit.
> -> Does anyone know how to do ?
> -> It exists a flag for debugging TCL or i must use the TCL debug library
> ?
> -> Does anyone have a HOWTO about create ad'hoc routing mechanism into
> NS... It's hard to use only the sources already present (like AODV, DSDV,
> TORA or DSR).
> P.S:I have already modified ns-default.tcl ns-lib.tcl ns-packet.tcl
> packet.h to extend ns with my own algorithm.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> These d'informatique dans l'equipe RD2P a l'universite de Lille 1
> (Phd of Computer Science at the University of Lille 1 / France)
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