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Re: [ns] Poisson Arrival
On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Richard J Woffinden wrote:
> Is it possible to use a poisson source in ns? If so, how do you do it
> and configure it. Had a (pretty) good look at the manual but couldn't
> find anything
If I'm not mistaken, a Poisson source is defined by two criteria:
(1) exponentially distributed interarrival times and (2) exponentially
distributed packet sizes (i.e., service times). Using these two properties
you should be able to write a Poisson traffic generator. I don't think
there's one implemented in ns-2 at this point, so it could be an
interesting contribution since this question comes back pretty often.
Nicolas Christin [email protected]
Multimedia Networks Group http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~nc2y