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Re: [ns] multicast support for wireless nodes

On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Parveen Kumar Patel wrote:

> On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Harsh Shah wrote:
> > Thanks for your replies. Actually, I cannot use two different types of
> > multicast protocols for the same topology. I have to setup
> > wired-cum-wireless topology and I have to use same kind of multicast
> > protocol (either DM or SM) on all the nodes. 
> its not a question you or me having a preference for some
> protocol. traditional routing protocols do not work for ad-hoc
> networks. 

do not work _well_, surely?

> and as you enter the wireless domain you have to have a
> different protocol if you want to go over one hop from the base station. 

Strictly speaking, multicast isn't a routing protocol; it's an overlay
using existing routing knowledge. (In fixed networks, ns doesn't
simulate routing protocols unless you ask it to.) And if you're still
running IP over the wireless link, you can run multicast over IP,

You should still be able to overlay existing multicast protocols on
ad-hoc topologies, if only to demonstrate how those protocols can
be decently adapted for rapid changes in topology, knowledge of
broadcast at routers, etc. A stable ad-hoc topology at rest should
be able to support existing multicast functionality... but these are
two entirely separate bits of code in ns.


<[email protected]>PGP<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>