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[ns] about blocking queue and synchronisation mechanism
I am a new user of NS-2 and this is my first post.
I will use ns to simulate queueing network with blocking. This mean queue
with limited capacities and Head of Line Blocking queue (in oposition with
droptail queue). So, no packet loss but packet blocking until free place in
the destination queue.
My questions are :
1- Does any tutorial or example exist about the blocking queue ? (G/G/1/k
with blocking)
2- Do we have a synchronisation mechanism (like Semaphore P() and V()) in
order to manage the use and access to shared ressources. For example to
manage the access to a queue where 2 packets wish to go into this queue and
there is free place for one packet only ?
3- Does an Index of keyword exist ? Because the
http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/doc/node516.html in the NS Manual is empty.
Thanks by advance for your help.
Performance Modeling Architect
e-mail : [email protected]
phone : +33 (0)4 92 94 48 18
Tachys Technologies
Les Algorithmes, ABS BP 29
06901 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex