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Re: [ns] SNOOP protocol
The last time I tried, snoop was a broken link in ns-2.1b6. I don't know
if someone has fixed it! It works in ns-2.1b3, though.
On Tue, 1 May 2001, Bhagyalaxmi Bethala wrote:
* >hi ,
* >i would like to implement SNOOP protocol in NS-2 simulator .
* >I saw files snoop.c and snoop.h in the NS-2 simulator .
* >does any one know how to implement SNOOP in NS2 ?
* >
* >Thanks in advance .
* >Regards
* >-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* >Bhagyalaxmi Bethala
* >Teaching Assistant CMSC 621
* >University of Maryland Baltimore County
* >E-mail: [email protected]
* >URL: www.gl.umbc.edu/~bethala
* >
* >