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[ns] please help me , i can't make otcl correctly
i run ./configure in otcl-1.0a6 directory and then run make. i read from
readme file that they will create 4 bin file (otclsh, owish, libotcl.a
and libotcl.so) but i miss libotcl.so file. when i run make test , there is
"./otclsh: error in loading shared libraries: libtk8.3.so:cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directorY"
(in readme file tell that in configuration process , it will ask for location
of tcl/tk, but it doesn't ask me).
Please help me !. i use my pc with red hat 6.2 , please tell more detail ,i'm
just begin in linux. thank you very much
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