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[ns] bug: mulitple ARP REQUESTs

Hi all,

 In the case where the AGENT generates multiple packets before an ARP
reply is received, the IFQ generates and sends multiple ARP request (and
consequently receives multiple ARP replies!).  This implies
unnecessary signalling and delay in transmitting the actual data
pkts. Shouldnt' there be some mechanism  that prevents the ARP from
transmitting multiple ARP requests; and to ensure, that if once a reply is
sent, muliplte replies are not sent to the same source later on.

I came across a few similar mails i nthe mailing list, but it doesnt seem
to have been taken care of (i use ns-2.1b7a).
Does anyone have a "corrected" arp module? Or can u tell me how to get
over it?

Richa Jain.

Final year student,
Dual Degree,
Communication and Signal Processing,
Deptt. of Electrical Engg.
Indian Insitute of Technology,