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Re: [ns] test-all-red: validate fails at flows_combined andflows_unforced (redhat 7.0, 7.1): diff shows reordering of results
> Under RedHat 7.0 and 7.1 (Pentium II), validation fails at test-all-red
> flows_combined and flows_unforced. Looking at the results files, I found
> that all numerical results are the same, but the ordering is different. Old
> postings at this mailing list suggests this problem might be
> platform-related or compiler-related. My question is: will this reordering
> modify or damage any simulation that uses RED? Is there any known solution
> yet?
this is because of a different 'sort' default on redhat 7.x than the
previous versions. the earlier versions switched on -s (stable output) by
default, the new one does not. the test script depends on it to produce
the right validate results.
you can make the validation tests pass by turning on -s where sort is used
in the validation scripts, but i recommend you not worry about it if other
tests passed.
the reordering does not effect your simulation results.
- ratul