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[ns] Error Model on Wired-Wireless Network
Hi ns-users,
I'm simulating a wired-wireless topology (like wireless2 of Greis's tutorial)
by using the new function introduced in March, 2001 (ns-src-snapshot,
tclcl-src-snapshot, over ns-allinone-2.1b7a on Linux RedHat 7.0, kernel
2.2.16-22, on i686), that I have introduced in my script like showed in
test-suite-wireless-lan-newnode-err.tcl (in the ns tree).
First, I have seen that the script run only with "$ns_ node-config -errproc
$opt(err)" and not with 'errProc', but my problem is that my script doesn't
see the MultistateErrProc procedure. Any change of its parameters doesn't have
any effect. Do you know why?
Moreover, I'm receiving the following message that I don't understand:
'MAC_802_11: accessing MAC cache_ array out of range (src 2, dst 0, size 1)!'
Which is its meaning?
Finally, I have read with very interest the recent discussions on 'Error Model
in Wireless Network', so I thank for replies. But these replies to leandropereiramaciel's
mail (that was very straight) have me confused. I ask me: for studying TCP performance
problems over a wired-wireless environment can I check all parameters with CMU's extensions
or for this goal must I do a model with wired links (a link without errors and a link with
one of ns Error Models)?
Sorry, but I have had this doubt.
Very,Very Thanks for your help,