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Re: [ns] Compilation error - pls help!!!
Do you have the latest build of ns2? I haven't seen that error on
2.1b7. What version are you trying to compile?
At 10:27 AM 6/4/2001 +0800, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>I am trying to compile the ns2 in my window machine. I have successfully
>compiled the tcl, tk, otcl, tclcl and I am now trying to compile the ns2.
>It stopped compiling at this statement:
>cl -c -0x -c -W3 -DCRTAPI1=_cdec1 -DCRTAPI2=_cdecl -nologo -D_X86_=1 -D_WIN3
>2_IE=0x0300 -DWINVER=0x0400 -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -D_MT -D_DLL -MD -0x -Zm1000 -D
>NO_TK -Id:\netsim\tk8.3.2\win -Id:\netsim\tk8.3.2\gener
>ic -Id:\netsim\tcl8.3.2\win -Id:\netsim\tcl8.3.2\generic -Id:\netsim\otcl-1.
>0a6 -Id:\netsim\tclcl-1.0b1
>0 -Id:\netsim\tk8.3.2\xlib -I. -Id:\micros~1\VC98\include -Fochannel.o -Tp
>wireless-phy.h(75) : error C2555: 'WirelessPhy::node' : overriding virtual
>function differs from 'Phy::node' only by return type or calling convention
> Phy.h(71) : see declaration of 'Phy'
>NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'D:\MICROS~1\VC98\BIN\cl.exe' : return code '0x2'
>Can someone pls help me!!!
>Thank you,
>Kian moh
Aaron Striegel
Ph.D Candidate, Computer Engineering - Internet QoS
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Iowa State University
Webpage: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~magico