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Re: [ns] NS build failure
>I was trying to build the latest version of NS on Solaris 8.
>-I/home/sumeshjp/ns-allinone-2.1b7a/include -o aodv/aodv_logs.o
>In file included from aodv/aodv_logs.cc:6:
>aodv/aodv.h:248: redefinition of `struct bcache'
>/usr/include/sys/stream.h:335: previous definition here
>*** Error code 1
>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `aodv/aodv_logs.o'
>Has anyone come across this problem ? Appreciate any feedback.
Another person on Solaris 8 reported this problem with an older
version of ns.
Sun shouldn't be poluting the headers with their internal kernel
definitions. Is there some way to disable Sun's definition of struct
bcache (probably some sort of compile-time #define)? (Or is there a
#define we're turning on that we shouldn't be?)
-John Heidemann