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[ns] How to set InterPage interval depending on Page download time!
In NS Web traffic library, the time between page requests is simulated
as a random variable, independent of the page download time . It would
be nicer if we somehow can take the download time into consideration.
In fact, usually each user usually have only one web browser at a time,
InterPage interval = Page Download time + User's thinking time.
Where the User's Thingking time is a random variable.
Page download time is not! It depends on the traffic load.
Does anyone have a way to get arround this problem, for example if we
can get the Average Page Download time while in simulation, then we can
set the average interPage time = Random variable + Average Page Download
, rather than a fixed number.
set interPage [new RandomVariable/Exponential]
# instead of using the following code
# $interPage set avg_ 3
# we can use something like
$interPage set avg_ [expr 3 + $average_delay]
set pageSize [new RandomVariable/Constant]
$pageSize set val_ 1
set interObj [new RandomVariable/Exponential]
$interObj set avg_ 0.01
set objSize [new RandomVariable/ParetoII]
$objSize set avg_ 10
$objSize set shape_ 1.2
$pool create-session 1 $numPage 0.2 $interPage $pageSize $interObj
I would appreciate very much for your help.