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Re: [ns] ns2 for windows?

    Use mailing-list archives properly with that webpage
to build static/dynamic ns. Maybe mention more about
what you don't understand and I can give you some hints.
----- Original Message -----
From: Edwin M.
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 4:54 PM
Subject: [ns] ns2 for windows?

hi i haven't been able to really understand how to install ns2 in a windows 98 system, i think i need a more detail document to understand it or perhaps you can directed me to someone who has already done this.
i really need help on this. i have also download the binary ns2 and nam but how do al connect them or how do they work together.
the html file on how to compile ns2 on windows did not help me much. do you have any other ?