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[ns] problem with markov modelling ...

i am trying to use the example in the manual in whihc a three state error model is used .So i changed it to a 2 state as below.. however there is a problem in that 
the there is no tarce file ....shortly there seems to be something wrong .,Can some one help me out ..or tell where i can get dome examples of markov error modelling ..

  set good [new ErrorModel/Uniform .9 pkt]
        set bad [new ErrorModel/Uniform .5 pkt]
        # Array of states (error models)
        set m_states [list  $good $bad]
        # Durations for each of the states, tmp, tmp1 and tmp2, respectively
        set m_periods [list .75 .25]
        # Transition state model matrix
        set m_transmx { {0.9 0.1} {0.1 0.8 } }
        set m_trunit pkt
        # Use time-based transition
        set m_sttype time
        set m_nstates 2
        set m_nstart [lindex $m_states 0]
        set em [new ErrorModel/MultiState $m_states $m_periods $m_transmx $m_trunit $m_sttype $m_nstates $m_
thanks a lot

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