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Re: [ns] nam1.0a10 problem for wireless?

I correctted this bug.
You can find this bug in the file parser.cc
Patch file is attached to this mail.

Maybe you might find lots of warning messages around nam wireless
formats.  I guess wireless nam is not stable- yet.

hope it helps.

-- furu

From: Alan Wang <[email protected]>
Subject: [ns] nam1.0a10 problem for wireless?
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 11:39:06 -0400 (EDT)

> I found that NONE of the nam files generated by
> the wireless-related example tcl scripts can be 
> displayed correctly by nam 1.0a10.
> Besides the following warning:
> "Perhaps you have extra spaces at the end of the line.
> Last parsed attribute flag was -k", 
> NO moving node changes its position in Nam.
> Does anyone else notice this problem? Any feedback 
> is appreciated. Thanks.
> Alan
*** parser.cc.orig	Wed Jun  6 02:10:09 2001
--- parser.cc	Wed Jun 27 01:10:47 2001
*************** ParseTable::ParseTable(TraceEvent * _pen
*** 362,371 ****
    ts->addAttribute('I', &pending->ne.node.olcolor, "color", "black", false, "previous inside label color");
    ts->addAttribute('e', &pending->ne.node.dcolor, "color", "black", false, "label color");
    ts->addAttribute('E', &pending->ne.node.odcolor, "color", "black", false, "previous label color");
!   ts->addAttribute('u', &pending->ne.x_vel_, "string", "", false, "x velocity");
!   ts->addAttribute('U', &pending->ne.x_vel_, "string", "", false, "x velocity");
!   ts->addAttribute('V', &pending->ne.y_vel_, "string", "", false, "y velocity");
!   ts->addAttribute('T', &pending->ne.stoptime, "string", "", false, "node stop time");
    ts->addAttribute('w', &pending->ne.wireless, "flag", "0", false, "wireless node");
    // ---- Link ----
--- 362,371 ----
    ts->addAttribute('I', &pending->ne.node.olcolor, "color", "black", false, "previous inside label color");
    ts->addAttribute('e', &pending->ne.node.dcolor, "color", "black", false, "label color");
    ts->addAttribute('E', &pending->ne.node.odcolor, "color", "black", false, "previous label color");
!   ts->addAttribute('u', &pending->ne.x_vel_, "double", "0.0", false, "x velocity");
!   ts->addAttribute('U', &pending->ne.x_vel_, "double", "0.0", false, "x velocity");
!   ts->addAttribute('V', &pending->ne.y_vel_, "double", "0.0", false, "y velocity");
!   ts->addAttribute('T', &pending->ne.stoptime, "time", "0.0", false, "node stop time");
    ts->addAttribute('w', &pending->ne.wireless, "flag", "0", false, "wireless node");
    // ---- Link ----