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[ns] windows 2000 more compilation errors

  Can someone help ? I got the following error, while compiling ns-2.
        cl -c -Ox -c -W3 -DCRTAPI1=_cdecl -DCRTAPI2=_cdecl -nologo -D_X86_=1 -D
INVER=0x0400 -DWIN32  -D_WIN32 -D_MT -D_DLL -MD -Ox -Zm1000 -DNO_TK -Id:\netsim
ns-allinone-2.1b8a\tk8.3.2\win -Id:\netsim\ns-allinone-2.1b8a\tk8.3.2\generic -
d:\netsim\ns-allinone-2.1b8a\tcl8.3.2\win -Id:\netsim\ns-allinone-2.1b8a\tcl8.3
2\generic  -Id:\netsim\ns-allinone-2.1b8a\otcl-1.0a7 -Id:\netsim\ns-allinone-2.
b8a\tclcl-1.0b11  -Id:\netsim\ns-allinone-2.1b8a\tk8.3.2\xlib  -I. -Id:\progra~
\DevStudio\VC\include -Fodiffusion/diffusion.o -Tp diffusion/diffusion.cc
diffusion/diffusion.cc(156) : warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initi
lizer list
diffusion/diffusion.cc(157) : warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initi
lizer list
        cl -c -Ox -c -W3 -DCRTAPI1=_cdecl -DCRTAPI2=_cdecl -nologo -D_X86_=1 -D
INVER=0x0400 -DWIN32 ! -D_WIN32 -D_MT -D_DLL -MD -Ox -Zm1000 -DNO_TK -Id:\netsim
ns-allinone-2.1b8a\tk8.3.2\win -Id:\netsim\ns-allinone-2.1b8a\tk8.3.2\generic -
d:\netsim\ns-allinone-2.1b8a\tcl8.3.2\win -Id:\netsim\ns-allinone-2.1b8a\tcl8.3
2\generic  -Id:\netsim\ns-allinone-2.1b8a\otcl-1.0a7 -Id:\netsim\ns-allinone-2.
b8a\tclcl-1.0b11  -Id:\netsim\ns-allinone-2.1b8a\tk8.3.2\xlib  -I. -Id:\progra~
\DevStudio\VC\include -Fodiffusion/diff_rate.o -Tp diffusion/diff_rate.cc
diffusion/diff_rate.cc(368) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'int' to 'fl
at', possible loss of data
diffusion/diff_rate.cc(799) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'int' to 'fl
at', possible loss of data
diffusion/diff_rate.cc(1057) : error C2202: 'ParseSubType' : not all control pa
hs return a value
diffusion/diff_rate.cc(1073) : error C2202: 'ParseOrgType' : not all control pa
hs return a value
diffusion/diff_rate.cc(1092) : error C2202: 'ParsePos! Type' : not all control pa
hs return a value
diffusion/diff_rate.cc(1107) : error C2202: 'ParsePosNodeType' : not all contro
 paths return a value
diffusion/diff_rate.cc(1122) : error C2202: 'ParseNegWinType' : not all control
paths return a value
diffusion/diff_rate.cc(1137) : error C2202: 'ParseNegThrType' : not all control
paths return a value
diffusion/diff_rate.cc(1152) : error C2202: 'ParseNegMaxType' : not all control
paths return a value
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x2'

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