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[ns] Problem with Agent::command()


I'm in the beginning of making a routing agent (MyProto), and have a problem
with reaching C++ from TCL via MyProto::command(). It seems that when i
calls "$self cmd mycmd" from Agent/rtProto/MyProto, the command function of
MyProto isn't called, but Agent::command is. MyProto inherits from Agent,
and I've set up the connections as follows, the usual way:

static class MyProtoclass : public TclClass {
	MyProtoclass() : TclClass("Agent/rtProto/MyProto") {}
	TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
		return (new MyProto());
} class_MyProto;

And MyProto::command() is defined of course.

Can someone please give me a hint on what I might be doing wrong?

Kristian Svensson