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Re: [ns] new field in the trace

Dear Chitti,
Thanks a lot for your advice. It's true that the "TraceVar" function in
tcp.cc provide the possibility to trace the main variables of the protocol.
However I use a queue between the routing and the mac layers.
(Queue/DropTail/PriQueue) and I'd like to trace as well the current size of
the queue  each time it receives or sends a packet. Unfortunately I didn't
find a function like "TraceVar" neither in queue.cc,  drop-tail.cc or
priequeue.cc.  Do you know a general method to trace some variables ?
Herve Maillard

"T. Chitti Babu" wrote:

> dear hervo,
> we have this functionality ... so why adding again another field to
> cmu-trace???
>         $tcp trace cwnd_
>         $tcp trace ssthresh_
>         set traceFile [open cwndssthresh.tr w]
>         $tcp attach $traceFile
> hope this helps
> regards
> chitti
> On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Herve Maillard wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > I currently perform simulations of wireless systems using the CMU traces
> >
> > (Revised format). I'd like to add fields in the trace. For instance, in
> > a row  related to a packet sent per a TCP agent , I'd like to add a
> > field giving the current size of the congestion window.
> > Thanks for all.
> > --
> > Herve Maillard
> >
> --
> T.Chitti Babu (H-7, # 133)
> KReSIT , IITBombay
> MUMBAI-400076