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Re: [ns] cooperation between wired and wireless rp's
Check out the Figure 16.3 in manual "Schematic of a baseStation
Node". The hierarchical classifiers in the node are responsible for the
routing and not the DSDV agent, if the address in a packet is of wired
nodes. These classifiers are populated with the routing information abt
the wired world and the wireless world is handled by the DSDV agent.. The
classifiers just forward the packets to DSDV agent which is the
default target.
If you would like to see the code about the classifiers, check the
ns-rtmodule.tcl and classifier-hier.cc.
On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, Dan Iregren wrote:
> Hi,
> How does the communication between the two routing protocols in a
> wired-cum-wireless network work?
> I have studied the DSDV code (which support such networks) but have not been
> able to find out how, for instance, the dsdv agent in the base station
> forward packets from the wireless to the wired network.
> How does the base station know how to find the correct wired node (it has no
> such information in its routing table). Does it just forward the packet to
> some wired node and that node then knows what to do with it, if so, how does
> it make sure it gets to the correct agent in that wired node?
> I think this part of ns, how packets are forwarded to the correct receiver
> (agent) is a bit hazy and would really appreciate if you could make it
> somewhat clearer.
> Thanks.
> /Dan