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Re: [ns] freq_

On Wednesday 25 July 2001 05:23, you wrote:
> Hi Alvin C. Valera & Seniors,
> Thanks for help. It worked! The frequency does change when I "cout <<
> freq_" in the WirelessPhy constructor. However, they still can communicate
> even when the node have different frequencies!

freq_ is used for calculating lambda_ (the wavelength). The lambda_ value is 
stored in the packet-stamp in each packet. The PacketStamp class has a method 
called getLambda.
"grep -s getLambda *" gives

Binary file ns matches
packet-stamp.h:  inline double getLambda() {return lambda;}
propagation.cc: double lambda = ifp->getLambda();   // wavelength
shadowing.cc:   double lambda = ifp->getLambda();   // wavelength
tworayground.cc:  double lambda = ifp->getLambda();     // wavelength
tworayground.cc:                                         t->getLambda());
tworayground.cc:                                         r->getLambda());
wireless-phy.h: inline double getLambda() const {return lambda_;}
Binary file wireless-phy.o matches

This is nothing I am sure of but it looks as if lambda is only used for 
calculating propagation in thoose files.