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Re: [ns] creating an new protocol
> I have some question regarding to the example in ns-manual ch9.6(creating an new protocol) as follows:
> class ECHO_Timer;
> class ECHO_Agent : public Agent {
> ....
> protected:
> ECHO_Timer echo_timer_;
> }
> class ECHO_Timer : public TimerHandler {
> public:
> ECHO_Timer(ECHO_Agent *a) : TimerHandler() { a_ = a;}
> protected:
> virtual void expire(Event *e)
> {
> a_->timeout(0);
> }
> ECHO_Agent *a_
> }
i had the same problem a few weeks ago. you cannot implement expire inline
- declare the member function and implement it later.
a solution for this is to use a template class, as i wrote some time ago.
template <class X> class TimerA : public TimerHandler {
TimerA(X *a) : TimerHandler() { a_ = a; }
virtual void expire(Event *e) { a_->timeout(0); }
X *a_;
then you can use it in your agent like this:
class MyAgent : public Agent {
TimerA<MyAgent> my_timer_;
Oliver Dawid * [email protected] * http://www.fet.uni-hannover.de/~od/