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Re: [ns] about RLM files in NS
Take a look at test-rlm.tcl in ~ns/tcl/ex.
Hope that will help.
Kun-chan Lan
On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, myzhai wrote:
> Hi,everyone,
> In ns version 2, there six files about RLM(receiver-driven layered multicat),i.e. rlm-cmn.tcl, rlm-ns.tcl, rlm-thesis.tcl, rlm.cc, rlm.tcl and test-rlm.tcl. In the makefile.in file, it only include two files:rlm-ns.tcl and rlm.tcl.I want to know the usage of the files except the last one? thanks.
> Regards
> Zhai
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