I have two questions in running ns2
I need node_(2) to send a message to node_(1).
I write the script as :
set m_(1) [new Agent/Message]
$ns_ attach-agent $node_(2) $m_(1) set m_(0) [new Agent/Message] $ns_ attach-agent $node_(1) $m_(0) $ns_ connect $m_(1) $m_(0) $ns_ at 5.11404749244173 "$m_(1) send" but it can not work .
How can I make it work ?
I download the example wireless2.tcl which is introduced in Marc Greis's
I can not run it in ns2.1b6 version.
I can run it in ns2.1b8 version but still it shows some warning
Is the example correct or something wrong in ns2.1b6 version
Hope someone help
Thanks in advance
Wang Hsin Chi