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[ns] Problem of Test-suite-IntServ.tcl
Hi, there,
I want to test admission control algorithm of IntServ with tracefile StarWars (http://www.research.att.com/~breslau/vint/traffic-trace.tar.gz). In file test-suite-intserv.tcl at directory tcl/test/, I change procedure create-source as follows:
TestSuite instproc create-source {node starttime i} {
$self instvar ns_ r_ hvar_
set a [new Agent/SA]
$ns_ attach-agent $node $a
$a set fid_ $i
$ns_ connect $a $r_
set tfile [new Tracefile]
$tfile filename starwars.nsformat
set traffic [new Application/Traffic/Trace]
$traffic attach-tracefile $tfile
#set up (r,b)
$a set rate_ 800k
$a set bucket_ 200k
$a attach-traffic $traffic
$a set lifetime_ [$hvar_ value]
$ns_ at $starttime "$a start"
$a instvar trafgen_
set trafgen_ $traffic
In procedure defaults{ }, I change psize to 200
TestSuite instproc defaults {} {
$self instvar param_
set param_(psize) 200
and leave other codes unchanged. When I run "ns test-suite-intserv.tcl MS", I have nothing in the file temp.rands.
Would you tell me what I need to change?