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Re: [ns] TCL script - Problem with commandline argument
use "split" function
for example,
set arg [split $argv " " ]
set arguement-1 [lindex $arg 0]
set arguement-2 [lindex $arg 1]
Kun-chan Lan
On Sat, 1 Sep 2001, Giuseppe Tringali wrote:
> Hi NS users
> I have modified the script sat-repeater.tcl to pass two arguments from
> commandline.
> The problem is with the second argument: the bandwith of the link.
> set NN [lindex $argv 1] --> in $NN I find the second argument
> set opt(bw_up) $NN Mb; # Uplink bandwidth-- becomes downlink bw
> also --> but in this way the assignement is not correct
> (Below my signature you can find the first lines of the script)
> Where's my mistake? Could you help me?
> Thanks in advance,
> Giuseppe Tringali
> This is the beginning of the script:
> if {$argc != 2} {
> puts "ERROR! ns called with wrong number of arguments!($argc)"
> exit 1
> } else {
> set arg [lindex $argv 0]
> set NN [lindex $argv 1]
> global ns
> set ns [new Simulator]
> $ns rtproto Dummy; # Using C++ routing agents and objects
> # Global configuration parameters
> global opt
> set opt(chan) Channel/Sat
> set opt(bw_up) $NN Mb; # Uplink bandwidth-- becomes downlink bw also