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Re: [ns] problem in making xgraph


I'm quite new to ns myself, but maybe I can be of some assistance anyway.

Do you have the xgraph binary anywhere already?

Chances are, if you've already build ns2 with all the nice tools, that you 
have the binary already, but that you miss some setup of your environment.

For example: I've installed the allinone2.1b7a on my linux box, so I have the 
xgraph-binary in "ns-allinone-2.1b7a/bin". Try to locate if you have the 
binary. If not, you should make it -- I trust install instructions are 
somewhat clear about this. It installed/build automatically in the 
allinone-release for me.

If you DO have the binary, chances are your path is not including it. When 
you do "which xgraph" or "type xgraph" (don't know which one works on 
Solaris) are you the told that none could be found?

If so, setup your path. I believe the install-script (for allinone-release at 
least) tells you as the last step, how to set PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH and  
TCL_LIBRARY. These are important.

Hope this helps!

Regards, Per Olesen

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 12:27, Raj M Verma wrote:
> Dear ns-users, I'm having some problems while I'm
> trying to run the example4(about xgraph) in section
> VIII from Marc Greis' tutorial. when I was trying to
> run the example by giving the command "ns
> example4.tcl" it's saying that
> ns: finish: couldn't execute "xgraph": no such file or
> directory
> so I went into the directory of xgraph and I
> configured it by using the command ./configure and
> then when I'm trying to run 'make' by giving the
> command "make" it is giving the followong message.
> Makefile:332:*** missing seperator. Stop.
> Is there any special way to make the xgraph package?
> my version is ns2.1b8a and my OS is SunOS 5.7
> this is the 3rd time I'm putting the request. hope I
> cud get a reply atleast this time.
> thanx,
> Raj.
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