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Re: [ns] Questions about ns-2
You can take a look at www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns .... Another good place to
learn Ns very quickly is the Marc Gries' tutorial from the NS page.
On Mon, 24 Sep 2001, Ondra [iso-8859-2] Dolej� wrote:
> Hy,
> I'm a PhD student at CTU in Prague and I'm working with OPNET
> Modeler now. Please, could someone give me a basic description about
> ns-2, what is different between this two softwares. I know ns-2 is free.
> But I mean for example:
> 1/ How difficult is make the simulation, if I have the real code. It
> means that I have the program code written in C in the final devices.
> Simulators usually run an independent specification of network code,
> rather than the code used in real networks. Therefore the develope time
> is longer and some mistake could be done.
> 2/ Is ns-2 divided into some modules such as Network domain, Node,
> Process. And for specification is used normal C code or FSM (Finite
> state machine)?
> 3/ I read it is possible connect real traffic when the simulation is
> running. Do I understand well?
> Thank you very much for your help.
> Ondrej Dolejs
> --
> ********************************************************
> Ing.Ondrej Dolejs
> Czech Technical University in Prague
> FEE, Departement of Control Engeneering
> Center for Applied Cybernetics
> Karlovo nam. 13, 121 35 Prague 2
> Tel : +420 2 2435 7368
> Fax: +420 2 2435 7610
> ********************************************************