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Re: [ns] How to plot the throughput of a link ?
You can do this:
Do a trace all. Then use a simple awk script to find the bandwidth.
Suppose your trace file is out.tr
you can write bw.awk to say
BEGIN {c=0; print 0, 0; t=0;}
$1=="r" {
print int(t), c-1;
c=0; t=$2;
END { print t, c}
then use awk -f bw.awk out.tr > plot.dat to get the plot.
On Mon, 24 Sep 2001, Meow Chiow Chia wrote:
> Hi all ns-users
> I am learning the ns-2 from the Marc Greis's
> tutorial document. I am just wondering how can I plot
> the throughput of an aggregate link using xgraph. For
> example, I want to plot the throughput of the link
> between n2 and n3 as follow,
> n0 ------- n2-------n3
> |
> n1 -------|
> I understood from the Marc's tutorial that I need to
> create a traffic sink , but how can I plot the
> throughput of a aggregate link (Marc showed an example
> with 3 separate traffic sinks for 3 sources). I have
> tried to look for the solution in the ns manual but
> apparently the manual is not that useful for a
> beginner like me.
> Any help on this will be very much appreciated.
> Many Thanks
> Meow
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