i too got the same problem in ns2.1b7,along with that i got two more errors(abt..... #endif in mac-802_11.*),
but until now i too didn't find any difficulty in running.
>From: H�kan Bystr�m
>To: NS archive
>Subject: [ns] ns bug?
>Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 10:25:00 +0200
>I'm using ns 2.1b8a and trying to add a new queue to it. Even though it
>might not be necessary I ran './configure' and 'make depend'. Thats when
>ran into a problem. When performing make depend I received the
> emulate/net-pcap.cc:60: pcap.h: No such file or directory
>I've tried to locate the file but it doesn't excist.
>Anyway I ran a compilation and it seems as ns is working.
>What should I do?
>Thank you for your time.
>H�kan Bystr�m, Operax
>+46 920 755 07, office
>+46 70 374 03 24, cellular