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Re: [ns] neighbor set of a mobile node
You can not really depend on nbhead for the neighbor list.
From some protocols such as aodv, nbhead is used to cache neighbor
inside its routing agent. However, there is no general neighbor
list in ns to keep neighbors for your use. Your protocol needs to
find the neighbor by itself in general.
On Sat, 6 Oct 2001, boo sunn wrote:
> hi:
> I use the following code to get the the neighbor set
> of a mobile node:
> Neighbor *nb = nbhead.lh_first;
> ....
> for (; nb; nb = nb->nb_link.le_next)
> printf(" %d", nb->nb_addr);
> why sometimes I get that the nb->nb_addr is very
> large, and sometimes "segmentation fault"? It seems to
> me that the nb list doesn't maintain well.
> Thanks,
> bo sun
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