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Re: [ns] Using multicast
objects with name _o* are created by OTcl when OTcl creates an
instance for a Class, say:
set test [new Classifier/Multicast]
OTcl creates an object _o??? and stores this name in variable $test.
you need to check your code to see where the command
Classifier/Multicast new-group ...
was executed.
- difa
On Sat, 3 Nov 2001, [iso-8859-1] Jos� Santiago wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> When I added multicast instructions to cbr-TSW3CM.tcl example, I got the
> error message written below. I can't understand it because I don't have any
> node with a handle like _o15 in my topology, and how procedure "_o15" can
> appear here. I think that it is more than a simple coincidence. Worst than
> this, I can't imagine how ns gets an index equated to " -1". Can anybody
> help?
> ns: _o15 new-group 0 -2147483648 -1 wrong-iif: can't read "inLink_(-1)": no
> such element in array
> while executing
> "subst $[subst $var"
> (procedure "_o10" line 5)
> (SplitObject set line 5)
> invoked from within
> "$self set inLink_($ifid)"
> (procedure "_o10" line 2)
> (Node iif2link line 2)
> invoked from within
> "$node_ iif2link $iface"
> (procedure "_o86" line 3)
> (DM handle-wrong-iif line 3)
> invoked from within
> "_o86 handle-wrong-iif 0 -2147483648 -1"
> ("eval" body line 1)
> invoked from within
> "eval $self handle-$code $args"
> (procedure "_o86" line 2)
> (McastProtocol upcall line 2)
> invoked from within
> "$protocols_($iface) upcall $code $source $group $iface"
> (procedure "_o16" line 9)
> (mrtObject upcall line 9)
> invoked from within
> "$mrtObject_ upcall $code $src $group $iface"
> (procedure "_o10" line 3)
> (Node new-group line 3)
> invoked from within
> "$node_ new-group $src $group $iface $code"
> (procedure "_o15" line 3)
> (Classifier/Multicast new-group line 3)
> invoked from within
> "_o15 new-group 0 -2147483648 -1 wrong-iif"
> Tanks in advance,
> JS