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[ns] simulation IGMP for multicast

        I simulated IGMP(Internet Group Management Protocol) in c++.
It sends igmp packet to a single destination and its working perfectly.
Now I want to send it to multiple destinations i.e. all nodes which
are connected to the IGMP sender(router/node).
        I'm implemented Agent/Igmp , each node has an agent and
all connected to router(node) like star network , now i want to send IGMP
packet from router to all neighour nodes by multicast at once.
        I tried it by creating a Multicast Group and put group
address in destination field and joined all other nodes in that group ,
but it is not working.
        What I need is my IGMP agent itself able to send IGMP packet from
a single source(router) to all neibhouring IGMP agents.That is I connect
all neibhouring Agents to a Single Agent(router) and the router should
send single packet to all connected agents once and repetedly.
        Please help me to solve it,i'm in middle of my proj work.
