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[ns] =?euc-kr?B?cGFja2V0IHRyYW5zZmVyIHByb2JsZW0=?=


I made topology with 50 nodes.
These nodes are connected in a line.
And I sent CBR packets(over UDP) from the first node to the 50th node.
But all packets are vanished on the 32th node.
In trace file, all packet is transfered to the 32th node.
There is no error message.

In 30-node topology, every CBR packet is transfered perfectly.
But when the number of the intermediate nodes is more than 32, no packet is transfered to the end node.

What happened to the 32th node?

I made nodes and links in this way:
set NumNodes 50
for {set j 0} { $j < $NumNodes } {incr j} {
set node($j) [$ns node]
for {set i 0} { $i < [expr $NumNodes-1] } {incr i} {
duplex-link $node($i) $node([expr $i+1]) 10Mb 2ms DropTail
Please help me.

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