I've implemented Application/Traffic/VBR/MPEG1.
The focus in this application is to represent a generic model of a MPEG-1 stream. It is parameterized by rate, change of rate in percent, time period of burst, deviation of time periods in percent, minimum rate and maximum (peak) rate. It is also possible to choose between video sessions with characteristics collected from O.Rose. 'Statistical properties of MPEG video traffic and their impact on traffic modeling in ATM systems.', University of Würzburg, Feb. 1995. Feel free to us it 'as is', but I would be happy to receive comments (good or bad) and suggestions on improvements as a sign of appreciation. You can locate it at
In the same directory you can also find a simple example script. /Håkan -- Håkan Byström, Operax, Luleå, Sweden +46 920 755 07, office +46 70 374 03 24, cellular